Youth-led community building in Lira, Uganda
We will not give up on our fellow children and youth. That is our track record. We seek kids out in the jungle, in the bush, and hidden in the deepest village. And then we try to help them renew their lives in as gentle an environment as possible.
We have learned how to be ridiculously resilient in the face of many challenges.
We have travelled very far, and we have a long way to go. But we know the path is made easier with friends.
And you can, in a specific way, make a difference. By each person doing a specific task well, we will continue to make a big difference.
We have many needs:
The cost of rebuilding is very high - but nothing compared to the cost of war.
Please help us pave the road for peace.
We cannot do everything. But we can do something.
And we will never give up.
Join us.
1. Donations of any amount.
Donations made by children and adults are critical to keeping our programs running.
Made through the highly reputable Africa Rising, a U.S. registered non-profit, these tax-dedictible gifts (for US citizens) are monitored by both the CCYA and Africa Rising. The CCYA staff has a ten year track record of financial integrity and a history of accountability with its financial partners. Please give generously, knowing that these funds are helping our world become a better place in tangible, specific ways.
Africa Rising will deduct a small fee from your donation to cover its administrative costs. Our community believes that working with Africa Rising is the most economical way for CCYA to provide tax-deductible gifts in the U.S.
2. Facebook.
Friend us on Facebook at our cause page, Concerned Children and Youth Association (CCYA). This will allow you to keep up with what is going on with us and in our region.
3. Help our tree nursery or our Nehemiah's consumer brand grow.
We believe in the triple bottom line: profit, people, and planet. To help our people in a sustainable way, we need our businesses to grow. If you are interested in providing logistical help, purchasing our products, or pro bono business consulting please contact our office.
4. Networking
We seek to make the biggest collective impact we can make. We do not have all the answers. We have a deep network on the ground, scrappy kids, and a track-record of providing services with integrity and ingenuity. If you know of organizations that might help positively shape or fund our initiatives or who will provide services to our partners, please contact our office for further discussion.
5. Advocacy
Please tell our story. Let people know what is going on. International visibility really works in our area!
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